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Annual Eisbein dinner Hamburg Shipbrokers Association


Good evening, Mr. Koopmann,

Dear Consul General,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Talking all day about the maritime economy, about the present and future of container and other shipping, needs to be followed by a substantial meal. The Hamburg Shipbrokers Association appears to have had a good deal of positive experience with this for over 63 years now. I sincerely thank you for the invitation and for allowing me to take part in the Eisbein dinner among the impressively large number of you here tonight.

While reading the newspaper at the beginning of this week I found a headline that roughly translated means Port Embarks on New Endeavour". That sounds great, or at least better than the line at the top of the page, If we wind up in tenth place, that’s okay with me."


As you might suspect, this was referring to the league ranking of the city’s leading football club, not the port, even if it first looked that way.

Traditionally, but also for reasons of sustainability, the Port of Hamburg has always strived to be among the top-ranked ports in Europe. And if the New Endeavour” consists of more industry and other value-creating businesses being established in the port, then this falls fully in line with the economic goals of the Senate. This can only benefit the shared goal of remaining competitive in future.


Ladies and Gentlemen, I would also like to extend the Senate’s particularly warm welcome to our guests from Japan here today. Mr. Koopmann spoke about the close and friendly trade relations between our countries and that these have now been, shall I say officially”, maintained for 150 years. Due to an awful event Hamburg and the local Japanese community held intensive discussions a half year ago. I admire how determined and successful Japan is able to face and cope with the aftermath of the tsunami disaster.

Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight is dedicated to local culinary delights. Despite its name, lining your stomach with Eisbein is a tried and true way of making it through the cold German winter. Especially considering that the drinks served along with it, when enjoyed in moderation, have the same effect. We recently had two cold winters in a row and for reasons of unimpeded shipping may the coming one be milder. Since Eisbein tastes good then as well.


I wish everyone a bon appétit.