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New Grounds for the Relations between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean Towards a Relevant Partnership

New Grounds for the Relations between the EU, Latin America and the Caribbean Towards a Relevant Partnership


Sehr geehrte Präsidentin der EU-Lateinamerika und Karibik Stiftung, Frau Ferrero Waldner,

Sehr geehrter Professor Nolte,

Mr Fernández de Soto, Director CAF,

Mr Fernández, President Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo,


Members of the Consular Corps,

sehr geehrte Mitglieder der Hamburgischen Bürgerschaft,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


I am more than happy to welcome all of you here today on behalf of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. Although I may admit that I was just a wee bit astonished when reading the title of tomorrow’s seminar: EU, Latin America and the Caribbean Towards a Relevant Relationship.” I actually do believe our relationship is relevant already and may only become even more so when we keep working on it.


But allow me to prove my point:


Hamburg was glad to celebrate numerous events with Latin American partners over the past months:


In November 2011, we held the opening ceremony of the EU-Latin America/Caribbean Foundation in this very room. The city is still proud and thankful that we may host this foundation and International Organisation-to-be.


Please, let me thank you, Ms. Ferrero-Waldner, and you, Mr. Valdez and your team, for promoting the bi-regional relations. I hope your work will continue to thrive. This seminar is just one point on the rich agenda you are planning.


In March 2012, delegates from the Latin American, Caribbean and European Parliaments gathered in Hamburg to discuss different issues of biregional relevance. The EU-LAC Foundation took the opportunity to inaugurate its new office rooms. Some of you are back today and I would like to thank you again for having honoured us with your short visit.


Only a few weeks ago, in August this year, the European Center for Latin America was opened in Hamburg. It offers services to Latin American small and medium enterprises planning to expand their activities to Europe. The center will provide them with information on the different issues (íschus) that a step like this will ask for and support them in any way possible.


As the office is new, you might not as yet have heard of it. I think it comprises a unique portfolio of services for its customers. So, please, feel free to inform your contacts overseas on this new offer.


And today we have all come together for the opening of the seminar the name of which I have quoted earlier. Apart from the economic and the political exchange this will focus on the research angle (normales g). I am utterly content as this shows how broad our exchange is already.


Furthermore, I was impressed with the number of high-level participants from the different continents that have confirmed their attendance. My highest respects to the EU-LAC Foundation and the GIGA Hamburg for the successful cooperation they are showing us today.


Let me please re-iterate at this point that the Foundation is eager to enhance its reach and its programme. But this will only be possible with a joint effort of all the member countries and regions. Our support will make them successful. Thanks again, therefore, to all those who are backing them already and to all those who will in the future. 


As you may see, Hamburg is keen to strengthen its ties with Latin America and the Caribbean. There is effectively no other region with which our ties have deepened likewise over the last months. 


But why is the region so important for Hamburg? Let me quickly give you three facts: 


Firstly, Latin America and the Caribbean are managing the global economic and financial crisis in an enviable manner. The growth rates are impressive: 4 point 2 per cent in 2011, as compared to just 1 point 6 per cent in the Euro Zone. I hope you see no harm in my freely admitting that for an ancient trading town such as Hamburg this is decisive. Hamburg’s merchants have traded with South America for centuries and we are hoping that this goods exchange will further increase.


Secondly, the LAC region is gaining in political power and in self-confidence. It will have future global leaders and its global responsibilities will increase.


This is a development all of us Europeans must necessarily look forward to. The more partners there are, the more successful global challenges can be tackled. I do not only mean today’s economic crisis, but also long-term questions as the climate change, or the increasing division of wealthy and poor people in the world. 


Lastly, there are 15.000 inhabitants with Hispanic roots in Hamburg. And this is a stroke of luck, because the internationality of Hamburg’s citizens contributes to its great living conditions. I feel that we all can learn a lot from intercultural exchange, it makes the world a better place. So let’s start today. 


Please, enjoy your stay in Hamburg. I wish you all good discussions and interesting new contacts.


Thank you very much.


The spoken word applies.