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Participation in the signing of the LIHH / TINV cooperation agreement

Participation in the signing of the LIHH / TINV cooperation agreement


Minister Kristensen, 

Mr. Sabinsky, 

Representatives of Logistics Initiative Hamburg, 

Consul General Hermansen,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


This is the day of the Logistics Dinner, which has become a tradition, and I’m very pleased that the Danish Minister of Transport and I are about to witness the signing of an important agreement on this occasion.


I can’t exactly claim that it’s the same feeling as when you act as a witness to a marriage. But the ties between the Transport Innovation Network and the Logistics Initiative Hamburg will certainly be closer from now on. 


Together you aim to push ahead with projects in the fields of joint marketing, the sciences, education and training, and development of the labour market. And not least you will help to make the Fehmarn Belt fixed link a reality in the foreseeable future by strengthening the networks that already exist.


The issues involved in this project and many further questions are certain to arise should always be discussed, and solutions sought, by the shortest possible routes. 


As you see, the crossing of this natural waterway is an excellent topic for speeches because the images and references always come about of their own accord: short routes, permanent links ... That is just what we are seeking to create together; firstly from the point of view of transport and secondly with regard to close economic and cultural ties between our two countries. 


Today we have the threefold privilege that good foundations have long been laid: not concrete bridge piers, certainly, but political foundations that were put down by sensible, far-sighted people in the Bonn-Copenhagen Declarations as far back as 1955. Foundations which then made the present Vogelfluglinie” possible as an important step forward as long ago as 1962. And foundations which have subsequently been able to rely on the European Union as a solid abútment. 


That is one more reason why I, personally, am already looking forward to the day when we shall be able to open the Fehmarn Belt fixed link together. Or our successors to this office will do so, because it will take a number of years yet. I’m looking forward to it because this connection like the present one with the fast ferries, which were and still are a great improvement because this connection is proof of our lasting partnership, quite apart from the logistic and economic advantages it offers. 


That, Ladies and Gentlemen, was a brief glimpse into the future. Today’s signing of the cooperation agreement will take us forward in the right direction. 


And now, Minister Kristensen I ask you to take the floor. 


Thank you.


The spoken word applies.