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Senate Breakfast for the New Consular Heads

Senate Breakfast for the New Consular Heads



Members of the Consular Corps,

Ladies and Gentlemen,



I am honored to welcome you to Hamburg’s city hall on behalf of the Senate of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. It is with pleasure that I as Burgomaster” continue the tradition to receive the new consuls to our city.


In Germany, Hamburg is known as the ‘gateway to the world’. We make our living from our manifold international contacts and vivid relations with the world which characterize our city. Our many friends, the varied impressions, influences and stimulations from all over the world that convene here keep us on the move and give us important impulses.


I am very pleased to be able to greet seven new consuls in our midst this year:


Ms. Eva-Maria Greve succeeds her much revered father as Hungarian honorary Consul.


Mr Ahmed Abdelhakim joins us at a time when the world is watching Egypt with a keen interest. You have already represented your culture one of the oldest known in Brasil, Rome, Berlin, and Paris.


We are very happy that Mali’s honorary Consulate, headed by Ms. Bettina Rhensius-Krohn, is going into its second year. Among the projects that you are promoting is the one carried out by Realschule Hittfeld which has supported four primary schools in Mali since 2003.


Another very fortunate occurrence is that Mr Detlef Palm has taken over the Norwegian Honorary Consulate. Norway has for many years been a close and reliable ally. It was only recently that I visited Norway and had very enlightening discussions on financial policy and energy supply, as you well know, Mr Palm, because we traveled together.


Hamburg traditionally has had close ties with the Spanish-speaking world and owes it much more than just the millstone-collars that you can see the senators wear in this historical painting and that Hamburg’s protestant clergy still wears to this day. In 1842, after Hamburg’s center had been destroyed by fire the very center where we are standing now it was our Latin American partners who helped rebuild the city. Honduras (On-) has had consular representation in Hamburg since 1869.  We welcome Ms. Leyla Páramo Andino, the new Honduran Consul, and Mr Martínez-Avial from Spain.


Mr Yuriy Yarmilko and his country are a new addition to our circle of consuls, he represents Ukraine with more than 30 thousand inhabitants of German descént. I am happy about numerous efforts at cooperation in important areas such as universities and harbor industries between your country and Hamburg.


I should also like to greet, in the name of the Senate, the new consular heads of Uruguay, Monaco, Slovenija and the People´s Republic of China all of whom cannot be with us today.


It is the express intention of the Senate to strengthen and expand relations with the Consular Corps. Any ideas and suggestions for improvement from your side are most welcome.


I hope that the recent trip to Berlin as well as the  ”Political Briefing” by the full-time Consuls last summer demonstrate that we try our best to keep you up-to-date about our political agenda ”buten un binnen” both within our city-limits and without.


The painting dominating this room shows how impressive the entrance into city hall used to be. We may be more casual today, but, let me assure you, we are no less respectful. Although, personally, I appreciate not to have lived in the days of court attire. So, let’s just casually stand together for the photographers.


Ladies and gentlemen, I am looking forward to working with you and wish you success and joy in your new function.


Thank you very much.



The spoken word applies.